Jamaica gets solar car
Kingston, Jamaica, June 15
Source: UPI International /www.upi.com
The University of Technology in Jamaica has launched the island’s first solar-powered vehicle. The solar-powered golf cart, called the Solcar, was developed by four final-year mechanical engineering students. It has a range of about 30 miles and has a solar panel attached to its top. Acting project supervisor Brian Silvera estimates the Solcar is able to operate for two days after being fully charged, the Jamaican Observer reported.
According to Silvera, the short-term goal of the solar-powered golf cart project is to eliminate the use of gasoline-powered golf carts across the island. He said 600 golf carts are in use across the island within the tourism sector, 60 percent of which are gasoline-dependent. Wednesday’s launch came amid renewed talks the wide-scale use of solar energy could reduce the nation’s energy bill and spawn a solar-powered motor vehicle industry here.
“The introduction of this solar-powered golf cart project is a very important step in the right direction,” said Phillip Paulwell, Jamaican industry, technology, energy and commerce minister. “We are nearly 100 per cent dependent on oil imports to satisfy the country’s energy needs.” Jamaica’s energy consumption, Paulwell said, was one of the highest in the hemisphere, moving from 5.6 barrels of energy per capita in 1987 to a current level of more than 10 barrels of oil.