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California Transportation Unveils Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant

June 16th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV-General, Solar Installations

251 kW Solar System at Caltrans District 10 in Stockton Will Eliminate 283,122 Lbs. of CO2 Emissions Annually
Stockton, CA, June 15, 2007
Source: Business Wire press release

Caltrans today unveiled a solar energy system with the deployment of a 251 kW photovoltaic system at Caltrans District 10 in Stockton.  Caltrans District Director Kome Ajise held a “throw the switch” ceremony at the site of the system located in the parking area of the district office. The photovoltaic installation was built under a power purchase agreement (PPA) with SunEdison, North America’s largest solar services company. Under the agreement, Caltrans benefits from clean, solar energy with no upfront cost, thereby avoiding an estimated $1,757,000 in capital installation. SunEdison built, owns and will maintain the solar system. SunEdison will sell the solar energy to Caltrans at costs lower than PG&E rates.

The solar system will prevent the release of 5,155,455 lbs of carbon emissions over 20 years, which is equivalent to removing 503 vehicles off the road for one year. Over the same period, the system will generate enough clean, renewable energy to power roughly 563 homes for a year.

“Having installed solar panels on my home last year I know firsthand about the benefits of using solar power. Our communities understand the importance of pursing alternative energy solutions and Caltrans confirms California’s position as the leader in solar energy deployments. This solar project in Stockton is a model for what other transportation departments can do,” said U.S. Representative Dennis Cardoza.

“Caltrans is setting a standard that other transportation entities should follow by implementing cutting edge renewable energy technology to power their facility. I applaud Caltrans’ leadership on this issue,” said U.S. Representative Jerry McNerney.

According to Caltrans District Director Kome Ajise, “Caltrans has chosen to use renewable energy to demonstrate environmental stewardship and contribute to a healthier environment in the community in which we live and operate.”  “SunEdison is extremely proud to work closely with Caltrans in initiating the municipal transportation industry into deployment of clean, renewable solar power. This is a milestone,” noted Jigar Shah, CEO of SunEdison.

Caltrans manages more than 45,000 miles of California’s highway and freeway lanes, provides inter-city rail services, permits more than 400 public-use airports and special-use hospital heliports, and works with local agencies. Caltrans carries out its mission of improving mobility across California with six primary programs: Aeronautics, Highway Transportation, Mass Transportation, Transportation Planning, Administration and the Equipment Service Center.

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