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Rocklin, CA Police Department Unveils 143kW Carport Solar System

System Gains Global Attention from Taiwanese Delegation

Rocklin, CA. 08 February 2007 /
Press Release from SPG Solar, Inc.

The Rocklin Police Department in conjunction with the City of Rocklin announced the commissioning of its new 143kW AC dual solar energy system and carport structure for its state-of-the-art facility. The system gained international attention after a visit from the Magistrate of Tainan County, Taiwan, Su Huan-Chih, who was accompanied by a delegation of Tainan government officials, investors, and members of the Taiwan press. The Rocklin Police Department hosted a tour for the delegation on Monday that showcased its municipal application of renewable energy through its solar carport.

“Ultimately, the power savings generated by the PV system will pay for the parking shade structures and produce over $1 million in avoided power cost during its lifespan; all the while, reducing the need for other, less environmentally-friendly power generation sources. Several other ‘green’ systems were installed in the police facility project, but the PV system is by far the best return on our investment.” – Mark Siemens, Chief of Police, Rocklin Police Department
SPG Solar, the solar system designer and installer, along with SCHOTT Solar and Golden State Energy were there to support the City of Rocklin and the Rocklin Police Department as they flipped the switch on the solar photovoltaic (PV) system and facilitated the tour for the Tainan County delegation. Solar PV systems provide a reliable, clean, emission-free source of renewable energy. The 143kW system has the potential to offset approximately 3,803 tons of greenhouse gas emissions over the next 25 years. The Police Department will earn credits at the utility’s retail electric rates, ultimately reducing about 40% of their annual electricity costs.

“When The City of Rocklin began the design process of our new police facility, we agreed on certain design parameters; one of which was to assess environmentally friendly systems for the project. When we considered covered parking structures, the photovoltaic system was a clear stand out and an easy choice,” stated Mark Siemens, Chief of Police for Rocklin Police. “Ultimately, the power savings generated by the PV system will pay for the parking shade structures and produce over $1 million in avoided power cost during its lifespan; all the while, reducing the need for other, less environmentally-friendly power generation sources. Several other ‘green’ systems were installed in the police facility project, but the PV system is by far the best return on our investment.”

SPG Solar designed and installed the system to utilize the Police Department’s expansive parking lot as a dual-purpose carport and high-performance energy system. SCHOTT Solar, whose sales and marketing office is located just a few miles from the Rocklin Police Department, supplied the PV panels. The system is comprised of 4 carports, uses a total of 536 SCHOTT ASE-300 solar PV panels and one SatCon 225 PV inverter and spans over the Police Department’s fleet and employee parking lot. “Clearly the citizens of Rocklin can take pride in their government’s vision and leadership that has shown a demonstrated commitment to the environment that will be sure to inspire other municipalities to follow,” said Dan Thompson, CEO of SPG Solar.

In addition to their implementation of solar energy, the Police Department also took measures to increase the use of skylights and natural lighting during the initial design of their facility and uses carpet tiles and rubber flooring made from recyclable materials.

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