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Algerian efforts on Solar energy to produce electricity

February 7th, 2007 by kalyan89 in PV-General


Chief-Executive Officer of Renewing Energy Company (NEAL), Mr Tawfik Hosni says his company is undertaking negotiations with the Norwegian company Statoil as regard developing electricity production through solar energy to export it to European market. Mr Tawfik Hosni affirmed Statoil, research institutes and universities as well as other national companies are working together to develop the production of diesel oil through solar energy. Algeria owns huge solar energy reserves, namely four-fold world consumption (38 billion cubic meters of annual gas production). We are trying to find appropriate means to lower expenses of nuclear power projects, which are still too high, especially as the used technology is a new ones. Some two billion dollars are required for three projects, including a power plant in Hassi Rmal, and two other projects in Naama and Al-Mghayar with over 400 megawatts productive power, says Mr Tawfik Hosni .

It is not an easy task to find foreign investors to develop the use of solar energy seeing the high expenses and dangers accompanying such a work, we need thus an important convincing strength to attract investors, chiefly Europeans, who are interested in using new technologies for renewing energies. Huge funds are required and we are having recourse to partial local financing. Another obstacle is slowness of administrative procedures.
National Gendarmerie is the lonely institution to use solar cells because of absence of electric networks in some areas, but the solar energy remains very expensive, concluded Mr Hosni.

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