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DOE’s SAI To Hold Funding Opportunities Workshop in February 7, 2007

January 19th, 2007 by kalyan89 in PV-General, R&D reports

DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies Program (SETP) will host a workshop on February 7, 2007
January 4, 2007
Source: U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Program (SETP) will host a workshop on February 7, 2007 at the DoubleTree Hotel, 300 Army Navy Drive in Arlington, Virginia to identify and prioritize lists of potential PV research topics for inclusion in two proposed funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) directed primarily towards U.S. universities.  These opportunities are currently planned to be entitled “University Research & Development Support for SAI Technology Pathway Partnerships” and “Applied Research for Future Generation Solar Electric Technologies”. Both FOAs are currently planned for release by the DOE in the spring of 2007.

The announcement states that “Since the original posting of these announcements, the only change in DOE’s proposed direction for these actions is to permit the “Applied Research for Future Generation Solar Electric Technologies” FOA to be open to both industry and universities as prime applicants.”

The workshop will be open to the public.   There will be no formal invitations to this workshop, except possibly to the SAI Technology Pathway Partnership (TPP) selections against DOE FOA DE-PS36-06GO96034, and then only if selections have been made against that FOA.    The Solar America Initiative’s Technology Pathway Partnerships emphasizes research and development on PV component and system designs, including low-cost approaches for manufacturing.

Email questions to Beth Dwyer, Contract Officer.

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