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The “Solar 4 R Schools” (S4RS) program has a new online home

January 19th, 2007 by kalyan89 in PV-General, Solar Installations

The Solar 4R Schools (S4RS) program has a new online home:

The S4RS program, developed and managed by the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, educates students and teachers on the functions and benefits of solar electric power, an increasingly popular renewable resource. In addition to producing clean, renewable energy, each school’s solar power system includes a curriculum package that uses the web-based, real-time data generated by each installation to provide students with a comprehensive, interactive learning experience.

To complement the existing curriculum and teacher-training program, now provides participating schools with online access to lesson plans, presentations, and other useful classroom materials. The site consists of a series of interactive Web pages dedicated to each individual S4RS project.

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