Aleo Solar Signs Contracts Worth EUR 35 million
Prenzlau/Oldenburg, Germany /15 Jan 2007
Source: AleoSolar press release
Aleo Solar AG has reported firm solar module orders in Germany for 2007 of EUR 35 million. Corresponding agreements were signed with a number of companies at the end of December and take effect in 2007. Jakobus Smit, the second Management Board member of aleo solar AG, is cautiously optimistic, “At a strategic level, we are driving forward the internationalization of our business at full speed. We finished construction of our facility in Spain at the end of last year as planned, and it has now started production. Our bread-and-butter business in Germany is going well. Our total production capacity of 100 MW (Prenzlau 90 MW, Barcelona 10 MW) gives us precisely the capacity we need to service the continued market upturn.” The current debate about the reliability of energy supplies underlines the need for renewable energies, and East Germany is turning into a “Solar Valley”.
Aleo solar AG, which is headquartered in Prenzlau, Brandenburg, has approximately 280 employees and holds a 19% stake in the thin-film facility in Brandenburg on the Havel that is currently being constructed by Johanna Solar Technology. This is scheduled to start production of its first silicon-free thin-film modules this year, with the number of employees set to rise from the current figure of 60 to 180 during the first stage of expansion alone.