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Cypress to invest $50 m for solar fab unit in AP

December 21st, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

New Delhi , Dec. 20, 2006

Source: The Hindu Businessline

Cypress Semiconductors Technology India Pvt Ltd said that it planned to set up a solar `fab centre’ in Andhra Pradesh at an investment of up to $50 million. Cypress has been talking with the Andhra Pradesh Government on the same. The manufacturing facility would be to produce solar cells and wafers.

The California-based chip design company has design centres at Bangalore and Hyderabad. “While we would be increasing our design engineers in Bangalore from 300 to 600 in the coming years, we would also double our headcount at our Hyderabad centre from 20 to 40,” said Mr Pidugu L. Narayana, Director, Design Centre, Hyderabad.


United Solar Ovonic Receives $15 Million Order From BIOHAUS

December 21st, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV Industry - Asia, PV-General, SC Company Reports

Order to expand sales of UNI-SOLAR(R) products in Germany

Source: Press release /Uni-Solar

AUBURN HILLS, Mich., Dec. 20 — United Solar Ovonic, a wholly owned subsidiary of Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. (ECD Ovonics) , announced today that it has received a $15 million order from BIOHAUS PV Handels GmbH (BIOHAUS) for the delivery of UNI-SOLAR(R) photovoltaic (PV) products in 2007.  BIOHAUS, a well-known PV distributor and system integrator located in Paderborn, Germany, has successfully commissioned many installations using PV laminates manufactured by United Solar Ovonic. As one of the photovoltaic pioneers, BIOHAUS not only distributes standard systems, but it also uses its knowledge and longstanding expertise to enter into the manufacturing and development of solar modules. Under the brand name BIOSOL, BIOHAUS markets its own solar power systems and since 2001 has been the market leader in the in-roof sector.

Explosion disrupts Taiwan solar cell material plant

December 21st, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

TAIPEI, Reuters  / 19 December 2006


An explosion at a plant operated by Taiwan’s Green Energy Technology Inc., a maker of solar cell raw materials, has left two dead, and disrupted some of the company’s output, a spokesman said yesterday.  The explosion occurred on Sunday at one of the company’s 26 crystal growing systems, a spokesman said, adding that two other crystal growing systems were also affected. He said the cause of the explosion is under investigation.


Sanyo makes Large Investment in New Solar Cell Production

December 21st, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports
December 19, 2006
Source: Press Release from SANYO Energy (USA) Corp.

Osaka, December 19, 2006 – SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. (SANYO) announced today that it will considerably expand the HIT Solar Photovoltaic Cell production capacity at the Nishikinohama Plant (Osaka, Japan) and Shimane SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. (Shimane, Japan), in order to respond to the huge and growing demand for solar photovoltaic systems. SANYO Expands to 350MW by FY 2008


Organic Electronics Market to Reach $19.7 Billion by 2012 Says New NanoMarkets Report

December 19th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, R&D reports

GLEN ALLEN, Va., Dec. 18 /PRNewswire/

Organic electronics is rapidly making its way out of the lab and into real world applications, according to NanoMarkets, LC, a leading industry analyst firm based here. The firm is set to release a new report that finds the market for products such as OLEDs, organic thin-film transistors and other electronic products made from organic materials will grow from $1.4 billion in 2007 to $19.7 billion by 2012 and then go on to reach $34.4 billion in revenues by 2014. Additional information about the report, “Organic Electronics: A Market & Technology Assessment” including the first chapter can be found on the firm’s website at


Aleo Solar takes large order for solar modules from PowerLight Corporation

December 19th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports, Uncategorized

source: Press Release

Aleo Solar takes next order (five times larger) from PowerLight Corporation

Oldenburg / Prenzlau, 19 December 2006. The solar module specialist and systems supplier aleo solar AG is expanding its business with the California-based solar systems provider PowerLight Corporation. In 2007, Aleo Solar will produce up to 50,000 solar modules for the U.S. corporation. The cooperation, which started in September 2006 with the production of 10,000 modules, will be successfully continued.


Nanosolar to build Bay Area solar plant

December 19th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

by Katherine Conrad, MEDIANEWS STAFF /Dec 18, 2006

Nanosolar will open one of the world’s largest solar cell manufacturing facilities in South San Jose by spring, placing the city at the forefront of an emerging technology. Wooed by the mayors of San Francisco, Oakland and Santa Clara — all of whom coveted Nanosolar’s potential 200 to 300 jobs — Chief Executive Martin Roscheisen said he was attracted to San Jose by its educated work force, the city’s experience in working with high-tech companies and its ability to streamline the permit process.

Sun to power Hawaii school

December 19th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, Solar Installations

Associated Press/Dec 18, 2006

HONOLULU — Niihau’s only school will soon be powered by the sun. The privately owned island off the west coast of Kauai has only about 160 residents, and it’s school is currently powered only by generators. The new power system will allow the school to have a refrigerator and freezer as well as computers and printers for the first time, said Daniel Hamada, the district superintendent for the state Department of Education.


ITOCHU invests in the Norway solar energy company NorSun

December 19th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

December 18, 2006
Source: press release Itochu Corporation

ITOCHU Corporation of Japan is investing JPY 1 billion ($8.5 million) (4% of whole share after tie-up) in the solar energy company NorSun AS (Oslo, Norway, CEO: Jon Hindar), which is planning to product monocrystalline silicon wafers for solar cells. NorSun was established in December, 2005 with the clear and broadly-based business development in solar industry by Dr Alf Bjorseth, who is a founder and former CEO of Renewable Energy Corporation ASA (REC), the world’s largest manufacturer of solar-grade silicon and multi crystalline wafers.


Suntech Announces New 5-Year Silicon Wafer Purchase Agreement

December 19th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

News from
PR Newswire US , December 18, 2006

WUXI, China, Dec. 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ — Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (NYSE:STP) one of the world’s leading manufacturers of photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules, today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Sunlight Group Inc. to purchase silicon wafers over a 5-year period. Sunlight is headquartered in the U.S. with China and Japan-based production. The contract provides for increased volumes over the course of the term at fixed prices for each year with an annual price review for each calendar year. Based on existing contract prices, the value of the silicon wafers to be supplied is approximately $366 million to $670 million.


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