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ICP Solar Announces Tejas Solares Agreement and New Office in Madrid

December 19th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

Source: ICPSolar Press Release

New European Office and Spanish Letter of Intent Paves the Way for Expansion in Europe -ICP Solar Announces Tejas Solares Agreement and New Office in Madrid New European Office and Spanish Letter of Intent Paves the Way for Expansion in Europe

MONTREAL-ICP Solar Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: ICPR), a developer, manufacturer and marketer of solar cells and products, announced today that they have signed an agreement to begin supplying solar energy solutions worth up to €15 million annually to Tejas Solares, a leading residential solar system developer. To support their expansion in the Europe, Middle East, African and Asia-Pacific markets, ICP is opening its EMEA – PAC offices in Madrid, effective immediately.


Sanyo Flexible/Amorphous “Amorton” Solar Cells

source:  Sanyo website

High Voltage Applications with One Substrate/ Shapes to Meet Your Need/ Large Cells, Clean Energy/ Wide Range of Substrate Materials

All Amorton Models
SANYO Amorphous Products are used to power products such as calculators, thermometers, scales, battery chargers, deodorizers, wrist watches, clocks, stopwatches, LED flashing lights, sensor lights, remote control units, radios, testers, educational tools, fans, sun roof car fans, and many others.

Benefits of amorphous products include an unlimited energy supply from sunlight free of charge; direct conversion of sunlight to electricity in a clean and noise-free manner that does not produce toxic waste or by-products; regardless of the size of cells, power is generated at a fixed rate of optimum efficiency; power is generated whenever a light source is available, either natural, artificial, or diffused light!


Purchase of Energy Outfitters makes Vermont solar company groSolar one of nation’s largest

December 17th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

By Shay Totten | Vermont Guardian
Posted December 12, 2006

Source: VermontGuardian

WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A national solar energy firm based in Vermont — groSolar — announced today it is buying an Oregon-based solar energy distribution company, making it the fifth largest solar distribution and installation firm in the country, and the first with true reach across all of North America. The purchase of Energy Outfitters gives groSolar access to key markets in the western United States, namely California, as well as western Canada. The company already has offices on the East Coast, according to company officials. The purchase price was not released.


GT Solar CEO plans to retire after turning $1,000 into $58m

December 17th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

By TODD MORRISON, Telegraph Staff
Published: Sunday, Dec. 17, 2006
Source: Nashua Telegraph

Dr. Kedar Gupta will leave his position as chief executive officer of GT Solar in Merrimack later this month after 12 years. He founded the company in 1994.

Kedar gupta
Background: Gupta grew up in India and moved to the U.S. for a research fellowship in 1968.
Education: Ph.D. in material sciences from the State University of New York in Stony Brook.
Job History: His first job was helping make silicon wafers as a research engineer with Monsanto Electronic Materials Co. in Missouri. He was an operations manager for a high-tech company in Cincinnati when he accepted a job Nashua in 1985 at Ferrofluidics Corp. In 1994, Gupta and John Talbott co-founded GT Solar.
Future endeavors: Helping tech companies with exporting overseas; further involvement with the Small Business Development Center at UNH; possible book.


Haryana state in India makes solar water heating mandatory

December 17th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General

Chandigarh, Punjab, India, 2006-12-16 23:30:45

In a move aimed at saving power, installation of solar water heating system at certain categories of buildings has been made mandatory by the Haryana government.  Deputy Chief Minister Chander Mohan said Saturday that the system will be mandatory for industries, hospital, nursing homes, hotels, banquet halls, jail barracks, canteens, group housing societies and all residential buildings with an area of more than 500 square yards that fall within the municipal sectors in urban estates.

SolarWorld Group Gives Employees Share in Profits

December 17th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

15. Dezember 2006 | 08:28 Uhr
SolarWorld AG / Miscellaneous

Successful profit sharing program enters its fifth year. The employees of the SolarWorld Group will be able to feel the business success of the group in their own pockets for the fourth consecutive year in 2007. The reason for this is the successful Employee Profit Sharing Scheme (German abbreviation: GOMAB) introduced by the group for the employees in Freiberg in 2003. At the location of the holding company in Bonn employees have participated in the profits of the company since 2005. ‘With this model we are among the pioneers in Germany,’ says Dipl.-Ing. Frank H. Asbeck, Chairman and CEO of SolarWorld AG.

Bonus may reach 10 to 30 per cent of salary


Solar energy to illumine 400 villages in Pakistan

December 17th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General

By Shahid Husain /December 17, 2006

MITHI: The country’s 400 villages, 300 of them in Balochistan and 100 in Sindh, would be electrified through solar energy, Brigadier Dr Naseem A Khan, Secretary, Alternative Energy Development Board and Member (Technical), government of Pakistan, told The News. “The PC-1 for electrification through solar energy has been approved and an amount of Rs 450 million allocated for the project,” he said. He said the Adviser to the Prime Minister, Dr Mohammad Ali, held a meeting with the district Nazim Arbab Anwer recently and tenders for illuminating Pakistani villages through solar energy were being evaluated.


Ohio state gives $18.6M to UToledo to develop solar cells

December 17th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, R&D reports

Ohio State gives $18.6M to power Univ Toledo research Program to develop solar energy cells


A University of Toledo-led team received an $18.6 million state grant to create facilities to develop and test solar power cells, the governor’s office announced yesterday. “It would be nice to say this was a wonderful Christmas gift,” UT President Dr. Lloyd Jacobs said. “But this was not a gift. This was an earned recognition of some people’s very hard work.”


Plextronics Named Clean Energy Entrepreneur of the Year

December 17th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General

Source: website

Pittsburgh, PA, December 12, 2006

Plextronics, Inc., a world leader in developing active layer technology for printed electronic devices, today announced that it received the Clean Energy Entrepreneur of the Year award from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at the 19th NREL Industry Growth Forum.


GT Solar Signs Contract for 30MW with Greek Company

December 15th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

Solar Cells Hellas to Manufacture Wafers and Solar Cells
Merrimack, NH (USA) — December 6, 2006
source: GT Solar

GT Solar Incorporated, a global leader in photovoltaic (PV) technologies and equipment, announced today the signing of a contract with Solar Cells Hellas, S.A. of Patras, Greece for the sale of equipment and technology that will be used to produce 30MW annually of multi-crystalline solar wafers and cells. GT Solar Senior Vice President, Keith Matthei, said:  “Solar Cells Hellas is in an excellent position to serve Western Europe with multi-crystalline solar wafers and cells from its location in the Greek port city of Patras.  We look forward to working with Solar Cells Hellas at a time when the photovoltaic marketplace is growing significantly in Europe.”


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