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Swiss-built Solar boat completes first fuel-free Atlantic voyage

“Sun21” makes historic arrrival in New York City !

8 May 2007, 15.00 hrs

A Swiss-built solar vessel has arrived in New York in what the group behind the project said was the first sun-powered voyage across the Atlantic. Dubbed “sun21.

Swiss Vessel Completes the First Transatlantic Crossing By A Solar Powered Boat / 7,000 Miles Travelled, Not a Drop of Oil Used New York, NY May 8th, 2007, 3pm

“sun21” , the solar powered catamaran developed and sponsored by the Swiss transatlantic21 Association made its historic arrival into New York’s North Cove Marina at 3:00pm today. The arrival completes a 7,000 mile journey across the Atlantic in a motorized boat that utilized not one drop of oil. transatlantic21 Association set out to prove the feasibility of clean energy vessels on open seas, as well as the wide spread applications of this technology to transform the shipping and boating industry.

North Korea to Import Solar Power to Give Soldiers TV

May 11th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV-General

Agence France-Press, Tokyo /May 7, 2007

North Korea’s rulers are to import solar power from the West so that its soldiers can watch television and use computers when in barracks, a press report said May 6.  The energy-poor nation has acted after communist leader Kim Jong-Il toured a military unit last year and found that power shortages were stopping soldiers from watching programs, the Japanese newspaper Mainichi reported.

Under Kim’s instigation, Pyongyang’s leadership ordered the People’s Army in around March to “install recreational facilities at military units without fail,” said the Mainichi quoting a source close to the North Korean regime. As a result, the authorities have decided to buy solar power generation systems in large quantities from Western countries, the daily said.

The decision will make television available “for more than five hours a day and [allow soldiers to] use computers at military facilities,” it added.  Kim’s regime has favored soldiers over other workers in deciding who benefits from solar power. The die-hard communist state has been hit by dire energy and food shortages in recent years with electric power stoppages witnessed daily even in Pyongyang, according to foreign residents and visitors.

A new roof-mounted system that concentrates sunlight could cut the price of photovoltaics

Solar Power at Half the Cost
By Kevin Bullis,May 11, 2007
Source:  MIT Technology Review
A new mechanism for focusing light on small areas of photovoltaic material could make solar power in residential and commercial applications cheaper than electricity from the grid in most markets in the next few years. Initial systems, which can be made at half the cost of conventional solar panels, are set to start shipping later this year, says Brad Hines, CTO and founder of Soliant Energy, a startup based in Pasadena, CA, that has developed the new modules.

$8,000 solar power subsidy for homes in Australia

May 10th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV-General, Solar Installations

May 8, 2007

The federal government will set up a climate change adaptation centre and subsidise solar power in homes as part of $741 million in spending over five years to counter the threat of global warming. Heritage sites like the Great Barrier Reef will also benefit from a $2 billion flagship program managing the environment.  And $10 billion will be spent over 10 years on its landmark plan to secure Australia’s water resources.  At a cost of $126 million, the adaptation centre will lead national research into adapting to climate change, support practical action in vulnerable sectors and manage risks in partnership with other groups, the government said.

HelioPower Launches ‘Be Green – Save Green – Go Solar’ Campaign

Solar power leader to integrate tag line in all consumer and commercial marketing efforts
Encinitas, Calif., May 10, 2007
Source: Heliopower /press release

HelioPower, a leading provider of solar power solutions, has launched a new advertising campaign based around the tag line “Be Green – Save Green – Go Solar” to promote its residential and commercial solar power energy solutions.  The tag line will be included in all marketing efforts ranging from digital technologies such as email marketing and banners along with traditional mediums such as direct mail, print, and outdoor to help further establish the HelioPower brand in Northern and Southern California.

Solar Power Rebate Doubled in Australia

New rebates for Australians wishing to install solar panels.

Malcom Turnbull, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, announced yesterday that the Australian Photovoltaic Rebate Program (PVRP) would receive an additional $150 million dollars of funding in the 2007-08 budget.  The additional funding will support a doubling of the rebate for solar panels installed on homes to a maximum of $8000. This means Australian could have an Energy Matters Solar Powered Micro-Generation System installed on their house for less than $6000. Without the rebates this system would typically cost $14,000.

Solar power brightens German skies

May 10th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV-General, Solar Installations

The country hopes to become a leader in exporting technology for generating electricity.
Craig Whitlock / Washington Post,
ESPENHAIN, Germany, May 8, 2007

When it opened here in 2004 on a reclaimed mining dump, the Geosol solar plant was the biggest of its kind in the world. It is so clean and green that it produces zero emissions and so easy to operate that it has only three regular workers: plant manager Hans-Joerg Koch and his two security guards, sheepdogs Pushkin and Adi.

The plant is part of a building boom that has made gloomy-skied Germany the unlikely global leader in solar-generated electricity. Last year, about half of the world’s solar electricity was produced in the country. Of the 20 biggest photovoltaic plants, 15 are in Germany, even though it has only half as many sunny days as countries such as Portugal.

Czech solar power plants post record output in sunny spring

May 10th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV-General, Solar Installations

By Prague Daily Monitor, 9 May 2007
This story is from the Czech News Agency (ČTK).

Prague, May 8 (CTK) – Solar power plants in the Czech Republic generated a record amount of electricity thanks to the sunny weather in the first two months of spring this year, CTK has learned from their operators.  The country’s largest solar power plant, in Busanovice, south-western Bohemia, generated double the planned amount of electricity in April.

Japan lags behind Europe in solar power

The Yomiuri Shimbun / May 10, 2007
Source: Yomiuri

Shiki Arts Center, home of the Shiki Theatre Company’s rehearsal workshop, in Aoba Ward, Yokohama, has been powered by solar energy since the end of last year. The roof of the building, where about 600 actors and actresses hone their theatrical skills, is covered with 1,540 solar panels generating 292,000 kwh a year, accounting for the annual electric power usage of 75 households, is aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 192 tons.

Premier Power Delivers 220 kW Solar Power system To Château Montelena Winery

Calistoga, Calif. – April 3, 2007
Premier Power press release

Premier Power completes a 220 kW solar electric system for Château Montelena. Comprised of two solar electric systems, the solar arrays provide up to 100% of the site’s annual energy needs.  As responsible stewards of Napa Valley, Château Montelena aspires to conserve and protect the environment in all aspects of their operations. One of the ways Château Montelena realized they could conserve energy and preserve the environment, was to generate electricity using the sun’s energy.

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