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$8,000 solar power subsidy for homes in Australia

May 10th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV-General, Solar Installations

May 8, 2007

The federal government will set up a climate change adaptation centre and subsidise solar power in homes as part of $741 million in spending over five years to counter the threat of global warming. Heritage sites like the Great Barrier Reef will also benefit from a $2 billion flagship program managing the environment.  And $10 billion will be spent over 10 years on its landmark plan to secure Australia’s water resources.  At a cost of $126 million, the adaptation centre will lead national research into adapting to climate change, support practical action in vulnerable sectors and manage risks in partnership with other groups, the government said.

“The Centre for Climate Change Adaptation will bring together the wide range of research and technical knowledge in Australia on climate change, helping to bridge the gaps between scientists and decision makers,” Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull said.  An extra $43.6 million will be allocated to the government science agency CSIRO to develop an “adaptation flagship”, predicting climate change and planning strategies to cope with it.

“We must help prepare vulnerable regions, communities and industries for the potential impacts of climate change,” Mr Turnbull said. The budget includes $150 million over five years to give people up to $8,000 to install solar power systems in their homes and $197 million to help prevent deforestation in the developing world.

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