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Tucson Electric Power Wins Federal Grant To Evaluate Solar Energy Systems

Tucson, Az, July 30, 2007
Source: Tucson Electric Power, press release

Tucson Electric Power (TEP) has been awarded a $100,000 federal grant for developing new methods to evaluate how effectively solar energy systems can replace traditional utility generating resources. The grant was awarded through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar America Initiative, which supports research and development efforts to encourage the use of solar energy.

“As TEP and other utilities ramp up our use of solar energy, we need to develop a much better understanding of how this and other renewable resources can be seamlessly integrated into our long-term power generation portfolio,” said Tom Hansen, Vice President of Environmental Services, Conservation and Renewable Energy for TEP.

TEP will use the grant to develop computer models to evaluate solar generation production data measured in 10-second time increments. The models should help utilities better develop the tools to integrate the intermittent nature of solar power into a traditional fossil fuel-based generation portfolio.

“Passing clouds can reduce the output of a photovoltaic array by 80 percent or more in less than a minute’s time,” Hansen said. “Utility planners and system power dispatchers will need tools to manage such volatility in order to economically balance the resources necessary to provide safe, reliable electric service.”

The grant also calls for TEP to research the true costs and benefits of photovoltaic (PV) arrays installed on customers’ homes and businesses. Nearly 400 TEP customers have installed such systems with help from subsidies provided through the company’s popular SunShare program.

“While utilities enjoy distinct benefits from the use of distributed PV arrays, the variable output caused by passing clouds introduces a new control dynamic into the local distribution grid,” Hansen said. “We need to understand how to manage that impact as we encourage customers to make greater investments in such systems.”

TEP will prepare a final report on its research for release by June 30, 2008, and publicize the results in trade magazines, journals and industry conferences.

Tucson Electric Power, a subsidiary of UniSource Energy (NYSE: UNS), provides safe, reliable electric service to nearly 395,000 customers in southern Arizona. For more information, visit To learn more about SunShare subsidies and TEP’s other renewable energy programs, visit For more information about UniSource Energy, visit

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