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Mitsubishi Develops World’s Most Efficient Multicrystalline Si Solar Cell

Motonobu Kawai, Nikkei Microdevices / Mar 21, 2008
Source: TechOn

Mitsubishi Electric Corp scored a world record conversion efficiency rate of 18.6% in a multicrystalline Si solar cell. The cell uses the company’s new technology called “honeycomb texture,” which was unveiled in February 2008. The efficiency rate was measured at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, a public standards agency in Japan. (more…)

Southern California Edison Launches Nation’s Largest Solar Panel Installation

Rosemead, CA, Mar 27, 2008
Source: Southern California Edison press release /BusinessWire

Southern California Edison (SCE) today launched the nation’s largest solar cell installation, a project that will place 250 megawatts of advanced photovoltaic generating technology on 65 million square feet of roofs of Southern California commercial buildings – enough power to serve approximately 162,000 homes.  “These are the kinds of big ideas we need to meet California’s long-term energy and climate change goals,” said Governor Schwarzenegger. “I urge others to follow in their footsteps. If commercial buildings statewide partnered with utilities to put this solar technology on their rooftops, it would set off a huge wave of renewable energy growth.” (more…)

Ersol confirms record results for 2007

Erfurt, 28 March 2008
Source: Ersol press release

With the publication of its audited financial statements for 2007 ersol Solar Energy AG (ersol) today confirms its preliminary revenue figures (2007: € 160.2 million, previous year: € 127.8 million). The operating result (EBIT) grew by 10.1% to € 22.3 million (previous year: € 20.3 million). Notwithstanding substantial expansion activities, in 2007 the Company thus posted the highest turnover and best operating results in its 10-year history. The EBIT margin stood at 13.9%, compared to 15.9% in the previous year. Due to the strong increase in the negative financial result (€ -8.9 million) there was a decline in the profit after taxes compared to the previous year (2007: € 8.7 million, previous year: € 12.3 million). Earnings per share – diluted by the capital increase in summer 2007 and reduced by increased expenditure for interest and currency hedging transactions – were only € 0.85. In 2006 this figure was € 1.25 and thus 47.1 % higher. A significant increase is anticipated for 2008.

Q-Cells AG confirms figures for fiscal 2007 and announces further expansion

* Major contract covering the supply of metallurgical silicon concluded
* Establishment of an in-house wafer production in Malaysia
* Group to start manufacturing ingots
* Further expansion of thin-film technology activities decided
* New business area: planning and development of large-scale PV facilities
* Forecasts for fiscal 2008 and 2009 revised upwards

Bitterfeld-Wolfen, 27 March 2008
Source: press release

Today, on 27 March 2008, Q-Cells AG the world’s largest manufacturer of solar cells, presented its annual report for fiscal 2007 at a balance sheet press conference in Frankfurt/Main. The Company has confirmed its provisional figures.
With a production volume of 389.2 MWp, Q-Cells became the world’s largest manufacturer of solar cells last year. Sales rose by 59 % to EUR 858.9 million (EUR 539.5 million). Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) grew by 52 % to EUR 197.0 million (EUR 129.4 million). The EBIT margin, at 23 %, was therefore maintained at the high level of the previous year. Net income without the income contribution from the stake in Renewable Energy Corporation ASA (REC) amounted to EUR 127.2 million (EUR 87.7 million). Total net income stood at EUR 148.4 million in 2007, which is an
increase of 69% on the figure for the previous year. (more…)

Asola Wins Contract for the Supply of High-Efficiency Silicon Photovoltaic Solar Modules

Source: / March 26, 2008

Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide, Inc. today announced that its German solar partner, Asola Advanced and Automotive Solar Systems GmbH, has won a $20 million contract from Krannich Solar, for the supply of high-efficiency silicon photovoltaic solar modules. Krannich Solar, which is one of the largest solar system providers in Europe, will take delivery of Asola’s high quality products in 2008. (more…)

Sharp announces New Thin-Film Solar Cell Plant in Sakai

Horizontal Deployment of Thin-Film Technology for TFT LCDs – Annual Production Capacity on 1 GW Scale
Tokyo, Japan, Mar 27, 2008
Source:Sharp Corporation / press release

Sharp Corporation has made a total capital investment of approximately 72 billion yen to build a thin-film solar cell plant in Sakai, Osaka Prefecture that is capable of boosting annual production up to a scale of 1 GW per year.  Production will begin by March 2010 with a 480 MW initial production capacity for solar cells. Combined with the 160 MW capacity of the Katsuragi Plant (Nara Prefecture), this will expand Sharp’s global total production capacity for thin-film solar cells to 1 GW in April 2010. (more…)

Spire to Showcase Solar Manufacturing Equipment at Photovoltaic Technology Show in Munich

Bedford, MA, March 28, 2008
Source: Spire Corp. press release / BusinessWire /

Spire Corporation, (Nasdaq: SPIR), a global solar company providing turnkey solar factories and capital equipment to manufacture photovoltaic modules worldwide, today announced it will participate in the 2008 Photon Photovoltaic Technology Show in Munich, Germany from April 2 to April 4, 2008. Spire Corporation’s Chairman and CEO, Roger Little, along with senior members of Spire’s management team, will attend the conference.

Spire Receives Order For Second Turnkey Solar Manufacturing Line to Spain’s Fluitecnik S.A.

New 20MW Crystalline Module Line in Portugal Follows Completion of 12MW Factory in the Dominican Republic
Bedford,  MA, March 12, 2008
Source: Spire Corp. press release / BusinessWire /

Spire Corporation (Nasdaq: SPIR), a global solar company providing turnkey solar factories and capital equipment to manufacture photovoltaic modules worldwide, today announced it has received a contract from the solar division of Spanish renewable energy company Fluitecnik S.A., to provide a photovoltaic module assembly line for that company’s operations in Portugal. Spire will provide Fluitecnik with a semi-automated crystalline module manufacturing line capable of producing up to 20 megawatts (MW) of solar modules per year for sale into the European solar marketplace. Spire will supply the process technology and training to operate the factory, as well as assistance in qualifying the factory and its modules to meet rigorous International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards and certification. The line will integrate Spire’s key stringing and tabbing, lamination, and testing machines along with intermediate tooling stations; it is designed to be easily expandable at a later date. Spire recently completed a 12MW crystalline cell module line, expandable to 20MW, for Fluitecnik in the Dominican Republic. (more…)

Quantum and German Solar Partner Asola Awarded $135 Million Contract to Supply Solar Modules

Irvine, CA – March 5, 2008
Source: Qunatum Technologies / press release

Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: QTWW) today announced that its German solar partner, Asola Advanced and Automotive Solar Systems GmbH, has been awarded a contract by AS Solar GmbH for the supply of high-efficiency silicon photovoltaic solar modules. The value of this contract is estimated at $135 million over a three year period, beginning in 2008, and subject to final negotiations on quantity and price in 2009 and 2010. (more…)

AES and Riverstone launch solar joint venture; Target US$1 billion investment

Arlington, VA, March 25, 2008 / press release
Source: Dominican Today
The AES Corporation (NYSE: AES) and Riverstone Holdings LLC today announced that they have committed up to $1 billion as part of a new joint venture to develop a global platform of utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) projects.  Under terms of the agreement, AES, one of the world’s largest global power companies, and Riverstone, a New York-based energy and power-focused private equity firm, will each provide up to $500 million of capital over five years to invest in PV solar projects around the world.

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