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Japan’s Sanyo builds its largest solar plant in Hungary -New unit to triple annual capacity

By United Press International
BUDAPEST, Hungary April 4, 2007
Source: Worldpeace Herald

Japan’s Sanyo has completed a new unit at its solar cell plant in Hungary that is to triple its annual capacity to 720,000 units in 2008.  The plant at Dorog, outside Budapest, will be Sanyo Electric’s largest facility producing solar cells in the world, the Hungarian news agency MTI reported Wednesday.  The new 70,000 square feet unit is part of a $5.3 million investment designed to triple its solar panel capacity, MTI said quoting the Hungarian business daily Napi Gazdasag.

Sanyo Electric opened its solar cell plant in Hungary in 2004, and in 2006 it produced solar cells worth $213 million.  Plans to expand production were based on rising demands for Sanyo Hungaria products, whose leading markets are Germany, Italy, Spain and the Scandinavian countries, the company said.

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