Solar panels along Motorway M4 to power homes in UK ?
By Lucy Thorne, Apr 26 2007
Source: ICBerkshire
ROADSIDE solar panels along the hard shoulder of the M4 could be used to power homes and businesses in GreenPark. And the existing landmark wind turbine, which dominates the south Reading skyline and powers 1,500 homes, could be sharing its workload with two smaller windmills. Developer PRUPIM announced its vision for green energy at the opening of the GreenPark Turbine visitor centre last week. The company is looking into utilising the unused verges of the M4 near junction 11, by siting long solar panels along the embankment.
Tim Davis, development director of PRUPIM, said: “We intend to be the first site in the UK to put a solar panel down the side of the motorway. “The solar panels are an aspiration at the moment and an idea we are looking to develop.” He added that the existing GreenPark turbine has been a catalyst for change and that the community’s interest in using sustainable energy has increased.
As part of GreenPark’s phase three build, which includes 700 homes and 17,500 sq ft of business space, the developers hope to include two wind turbines in the proposals. Mr Davis said: “They will have to be slightly smaller than the existing turbine because they will be close to the new village and residential dwellings.” He feels the turbines will face less opposition than the existing one did when planning permission was applied for.
He added: “The community has adopted the turbine and now people have seen one in action, there is less fear for us putting another one up.” The visitors’ centre is also part of PRUPIM’s commitment to the environment and the community. It will provide schoolchildren, community groups and even foreign embassies with information about climate change, different sources of electricity and how to be more energy efficient.
Ian Gough, turbine centre adviser, said: “The education is not just about the wind turbine but it is about the bigger picture. “It is an important tool for the future, proving that it is possible to use sustainable energy. “And we can show visitors the turbine doesn’t create any noise.”