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Abu Dhabi programme drives adoption of solar power

February 2nd, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV-General -Staff Report  / Feb. 2, 2007

Abu Dhabi: Solar technologies are rapidly becoming a major focus worldwide as a sustainable energy source: and the Masdar Initiative, Abu Dhabi’s landmark programme in sustainable energy, is driving the adoption of advanced solar technologies here in the UAE.  Projects already in active development in Abu Dhabi include both photovoltaics (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP), providing Masdar with broad coverage of the solar sector. Masdar’s PV projects in development include a world-scale polysilicon factory in Abu Dhabi, which will provide the feedstock for additional activities such as PV cell and module manufacturing.

Photovoltaics allow the direct conversion of sunlight into electricity – this is one of the most promising technologies in renewable energy. The global PV industry was estimated at 2 gigawatts (GW) in 2006 and is growing at 30 per cent annually, making it one of the most attractive and high-growth international industries.

Local capacity

“By establishing substantial local PV manufacturing capacity, Abu Dhabi is leveraging its financial and human resources effectively into the high-tech, highly-skilled industries of the future”, explained Sultan Al Jaber, CEO of Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, the entity executing the Masdar Initiative. “Abu Dhabi knows the energy business rather well. It also enjoys competitive advantages allowing it to successfully establish these new industries, while simultaneously diversifying its economy and providing high-quality job opportunities,” he added.

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