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Clean Solar offers Charitable Donations for Solar Installations

January 27th, 2008 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, SC Company Reports, Solar Installations

by AER Staff, 16 January 2008
Source: Alternative Energy Resources

Clean Solar Inc., a solar photovoltaic installer for residential and commercial projects, has announced it will offer a $500 charitable donation on behalf of its customers.  Clean Solar will allow customers to choose the charity of their choice. For those who do not have a favorite charity, Clean Solar will offer four nonprofits to choose from: Sierra Club, Audobon Society, National Wildlife Federation, and The Grameen Foundation.

“We just wanted to do the right thing,” says Jeff Ritchey, co-founder of Clean Solar. “Our original mission calls for us to give back. We just wanted to follow through on that promise to our company.”

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