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Hesitant Texas is getting burned on solar power, experts assert

By Vicki Vaughan, San Antonio Express-News /Oct 13, 2007
Source: Star

Texas has been a leader in energy for 100 years, but the state isn’t moving forward quickly enough to develop solar energy, two experts said Thursday.  “California, New Jersey, Colorado and Pennsylvania are moving more quickly than Texas” in developing solar power, said Bruce Kellison, associate director of the IC2 Institute, a think tank at the University of Texas at Austin devoted to fostering entrepreneurship and job creation.  “Greater development of solar power can bolster Texas’ weakening semiconductor and materials industries” and create jobs, Kellison said.

Taiwanese photovoltaic manufacturers forecast bright outlooks

Oct 15, 2007

Wafer Works Corp. and Sino-American Silicon Products, Inc., both of which supply polycrystalline silicon to solar-cell makers, recently forecast at a photovoltaic forum in Taipei that their revenues to likely keep surging until 2010. Until last month, Sino-American and Wafer Works have seen their monthly revenue set new high for 26 and 19 consecutive months,

Sun Well to complete thin-film solar module plant soon

October 16th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV-General, R&D reports

Jimmy Hsu, Taipei; Esther Lam
Source; DigiTimes, 16 October 2007

Sun Well Technology is about to complete construction of its production plant for thin-film solar cell production in Taiwan in mid-November with volume production slated to follow in the second quarter of 2008. The company is confident about its competitive technology edge, as well as an early presence in the industry, and aims to be one of the top-five thin-film solar cell makers in the future.

New manufacturing process captures more light in solar cells

October 16th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV-General, R&D reports

October 12, 2007
Source: from ecoGizmo

In another development that aims to make alternative energy generation more efficient and more affordable, Braggone has discovered a method of capturing more light in a solar cell. The result is a new product line that greatly increases the efficiency of solar cells and allows manufacturing facilities to cost-effectively increase their capacity.

Study Sees Solar Cost-Competitive In Europe By 2015

October 16th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV-General, R&D reports

October 15, 2007

Grid-connected solar power is on track to become cost-competitive with electricity generated by conventional sources by 2015 in parts of Europe and by 2020 in many regions of the world, a report released last week by Greenpeace and the European Photovoltaic Industry Association concludes.  Solar Generation IV–2007, the fourth iteration of a report prepared jointly since 2001 by the global environmental organization and the European solar industry trade group–concludes that by 2020, costs for rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems could drop by more than 50 percent from 2006 levels in most parts of the world if current trends continue.

Cape Town intersection hosts South Africa’s first solar-powered traffic light

October 15th, 2007 by kalyan89 in PV-General, R&D reports, Solar Energy - general, Solar Installations

Powered by the South African Sun. The first solar-powered traffic light in South Africa
By: Christy van der Merwe, 12 Oct 07
Source: Engineering News

Nonfunctioning traffic lights, caused by power cuts, are a motorist’s nightmare and cause untold delays, hence the enthusiasm in Cape Town, where the first solar-powered traffic light in South Africa is now functioning.  The pilot site, an eight-robot intersection on Plantation road, Lotus River, has been fitted with a four-square-metre solar panel and battery packs to capture energy from the sun, and began opera-ting on October 1.

Solar lights of Jammu & Kashmir Authority light up files more than families

October 15th, 2007 by kalyan89 in PV-General, R&D reports, Solar Energy - general, Solar Installations

Mudasir Ali, Srinagar, Sept 23, 2007
A study by Directorate of Economics and Statistics has discovered chinks in the distribution of solar domestic lights in rural areas of Varmul under Photolitic Technology Distribution System (PTDS) by the rural development authority (RDA). The PTDS was introduced by the Jammu and Kashmir Energy Development Authority (JKEDA) in the state to ‘bridge the gap’ between demand and supply of electricity in the rural areas. (more…)

Lighting up the Dark Continent (with solar powered LEDs)

Low-cost lighting system developed by THRIVE, a local NGO, is all set to light up Kenya and the eastern parts of Africa
Hyderabad, India, Oct 15, 2007
Source: The Hindu Online

In an era of competitive globalisation, small-time innovations rarely find their deserving place. But a low-cost innovation developed here is all set to light up the eastern parts of Africa.  Beginning with Kenya, white light emitting diode (LED) for clean lighting, the innovation of a local non-Governmental organisation, is set to penetrate the Dark Continent. THRIVE (Jumbled acronym for Volunteers for Rural Health Education and Information Technology) has signed an agreement with Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) for promoting the low-cost lighting technology there, with an initial export of 10,000 pieces to Kenya.

Photovoltaic solar power grows fast in Spain

By Brandon Reed, Madrid, Oct 10, 2007
Source: Reuters UK

Photovoltaic solar power plants are springing up throughout Spain, capitalizing on special tariffs for renewable energies and exceeding the government’s expectations.  With the current momentum, Spain will be over its target for 2010 of 400 megawatts (MW) of photovoltaic (PV) power by next summer, possibly having somewhere between 800 MW and 1,200 MW, according to the Industry Ministry.  “We already have 80 percent of the target,” Industry Minister Joan Clos said at a European energy conference in Madrid earlier in October.

Sold on solar power (Solar installations in UAE)

October 15th, 2007 by kalyan89 in PV-General, R&D reports, Solar Installations

14 Oct, 2007

Environmentalists, politicians and the media have been focusing on global warming and the necessity for us to be ‘greener’ for some time now, but how many of us have actually done anything to try and make a difference? A glance around this emirate quickly shows that over-sized 4×4 gas-guzzling cars are still the motor of choice on Dubai roads and that Dubai’s public is determined to continue its love affair with plastic, despite the fact that reusable grocery bags – the ‘greener’ option – are widely (more…)

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