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Japan’s AIST Makes Tree With Solar-cell Leaves

Yukiko Kanou, Nikkei Electronics /May 27, 2008
Source: Tech-On

A Japanese institute and firms prototyped a foliage plant-like solar cell module by using organic thin-film solar cells.  A leaf-like module featuring bright green solar cells was developed by National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Mitsubishi Corp and Tokki Corp. (more…)

SunPower Announces World-Record Solar Cell Efficiency

Full-Scale Prototype Produced at 23.4 Percent
San Jose, CA., May 12, 2008
Source: SunPower Corp. press release/PRNewswire

SunPower Corporation (Nasdaq: SPWR) a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of high-efficiency solar cells, solar panels and solar systems, announced today that it has produced a full-scale, five inch prototype solar cell with an efficiency of 23.4 percent. This is a world-record for a large area solar cell. SunPower has reported improvements of its cell efficiency in the laboratory and in mass production since its first all-back contact solar cell prototype in 2003. (more…)

Will Solar Power Ever Replace Oil?

May 9th, 2008 by kalyan89 in PV-General, R&D reports, Solar Energy - general

by Tetsuo Nozawa, Nikkei Electronics / May 8, 2008
Source: TechOn Column

I went to the US on business last week. Gasoline prices seem to have risen again and created a stir in Japan, but circumstances were no different in the US. In Los Angels, for example, TV news reported street pricing for gasoline exceeded US$4 per gallon (about 3.8L) in line with the rising oil price.  Compared with Japan, the price is still quite low as it corresponds to about ¥110 per liter at ¥105 per US dollar. Yet the price has risen surprisingly fast compared with less than US$2.5 per gallon two years ago or before that. (more…)

Production of first TPS® design Photovoltaic modules begins

April 27th, 2008 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV-General, R&D reports

Source: Bystronic press release /April 23, 2008

Lenhardt’s Bystronic glass technology centre has reason to celebrate another decisive success in introducing TPS ® thermoplastic adhesives and sealants into the photovoltaic industry: Production of the first TPS ® design Photovoltaik modules has begun in Freiburg Germany . The specific application was concentrator modules of German company Concentrix Solar GmbH. That makes these the first modules for which the TPS ® applications system of Lenhardt Maschinenbau GmbH has played a decisive role in production. (more…)

“Chindia” rushes into solar

by Dr. Paula Doe, Contributing Editor, Solid-State Technology
Source: Solid State Technology /April 24, 2008

What country surpassed perennial solar leader Japan in photovoltaic production last year, turning out more than 1GW of solar cells? That would be China, where a new crowd of suppliers also plans to ramp production of 3GW in thin film cells over the next two years. And Asia is just getting started. Major PV makers in Taiwan plan to increase capacity to more than 2GW, those in India to 1GW, by 2010, according to reports from Solid State Technology partner Nikkei Microdevices and the Japanese consultancy Tech Biz, based in part on data from the regional solar industry associations. By way of comparison, Solarbuzz reports worldwide solar production last year totaled about 3.4GW. (more…)

Kenya: Firm Bets On Solar Power to Expand Reach

Kui Kinyanjui, Nairobi /22 April 2008

As more technology companies seek to extend their reach in rural areas not served by the national power grid, infrastructure provider Kenya Data Networks (KDN) has announced a partnership that will see it provide alternatively powered computers.  The company will provide hardware as it meets new environmental standards.  KDN and US-based non-profit making organisation, Inveneo, plan to provide solar and battery powered computers in rural areas to allow users to access technology with better infrastructure in place. (more…)

MIT gets serious about solar power

by Nicolas Mokhoff, EE Times
Manhasset, N.Y, 23 April 2008
Source: EETimes

The Massachussets Institute of Technology is expanding its solar power research from a “boutique” option to an affordable, mainstream energy solution.  To that end, the Chesonis Family Foundation is helping MIT launch the Solar Revolution Project (SRP) with a $10 million gift. The project will explore new materials and systems that could dramatically accelerate the availability of solar energy. SRP will work with other solar projects at MIT, creating one of the largest unversity research efforts dedicated to solar energy. ‘ The gift will allow MIT to focus on three elements—capture, conversion and storage—that could help make solar power a viable, near-term energy source. “Think ‘solar’ and think ‘now. This is the revolution that is implied in the project name,” said Daniel Nocera, a professor of energy and chemistry at MIT, who will direct SRP. (more…)

Cheap “Popcorn Ball” Solar Cells Set Efficiency Record

by Jason Mick (Blog), April 13, 2008

While not very tasty, these balls are extra efficient
With gas prices going up, refining capacity stretched to its max, and the reality that fossil fuels will eventually be depleted settling in, interest in alternative energy solutions of various types is at an all time high.  Among these is renewed vigor in the solar power industry.  From building massive new plants to new ground breaking research, the rather old field of solar power, is adapting quickly to the latest tech. (more…)

Electricity from sun and heat – printing the new photovoltaics

Source: Printed Electronics World / April 16, 2008

Solar cells are needed on everything from clothing to packaging, toys, spaceships, consumer goods, medical testers, skin patches and tools. Mostly, they must be thin and flexible, lightweight, environmental and low in cost – even disposable in many cases. (more…)

China Nuvo Solar Energy to use CIGS in its pilot production project

China Nuvo Solar Energy Announces Plans to Use Thin Film CIGS in Its Pilot Production Project
West Palm Beach, Fl, April 9, 2008
Source: China Nuo Solar Energy Inc. press release /BusinessWire

China Nuvo Solar Energy, Inc. (the “Company” or “China Nuvo”) (OTCBB: CNUV) announced today that it will be developing a low-cost solar cell based on thin-film CIGS technology with its collaboration partner, Pioneer Materials, Inc. (“PMI”), at its pilot production facility in Chengdu, China. CIGS, which stands for copper indium gallium selenium, has achieved the highest efficiency for thin-film photovoltaics at 19.9%, which rivals the performance of crystalline based silicon solar cells. With thin-film manufacturing techniques, CIGS thin-film solar cells can be made with 1/100th of the materials used in crystalline based silicon solar cells. (more…)

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