Source: Northern California Solar Energy Association
1. Preface
The following Bay Area Solar Installations Report is another educational effort put forth by the Northern California Solar Energy Association (NorCal Solar) towards its mission: To foster the development and application of solar energy technology through the exchange of information.
Since 1975 NorCal Solar, then known as NCSEA, has promoted solar education and fostered the exchange of information through many venues. Today, from our website where we maintain a world-wide electronic ‘portal’ of resources on solar and other renewable energy technologies to our Solar Energy Resource Guide, a publication sold locally while supporting independent reports, studies and classrooms as well as many consumer information and workshops in-between. This year NorCal Solar was a co-organizer of the American Solar Energy Association’s conference, Solar 2008, in San Diego where NorCal helped to organize more than 70 consumer workshops. NorCal Solar also participated in the conference committee of the first ever InterSolar Conference in North America. This conference was held in San Francisco where 13,000 visitors received the latest information about the advances of the international solar industry. This was an amazing experience to learn about the reaches of solar into the international markets.