U.S. has more sun but Europe has more solar power…for now
Posted by Harry Fuller /Courtesy EER / Feb 16, 2008
Source: ZDNet.com blog
A new study of the Concentrated Solar Power industry shows Europe to be far ahead, with major growth in the U.S. a couple years away. Emerging Energy Research found several reasons for the growth on Concenrtated Solar Power…but first a brief explanation. CSP uses reflectors to focus the sun’s energy, like using a hand magnifier to set paper on fire like you did when you were ten years old. Except this concentrated solar heat is focused on enclosed pipes containing oil or water that becomes steam. These superhot fluids are used to then drive turbines that generate electricity. In the CSP system the oil or water is reused. There are no by-products, no CO2. This goes a long way toward meeting Kyoto Protocol targets for co-operating nations in Europe and elsewhere. (more…)