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Alloy Solar Panels

January 2nd, 2007 by kalyan89 in PV-General, R&D reports

Alloy Solar Panels: a revolutionary new, highly efficient solar power technology


In a scientific breakthrough that has stunned the world, a team of South African scientists has developed a revolutionary new, highly efficient solar power technology that will enable homes to obtain all their electricity from the sun. This means high electricity bills and frequent power failures could soon be a thing of the past. The unique South African-developed solar panels will make it possible for houses to become completely self-sufficient for energy supplies.


GT Solar expands presence in China

January 2nd, 2007 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

Opens Sales Offices in Shanghai and Beijing
December 28, 2006

Source: GT Solar -press release

Merrimack, NH (USA) : GT Solar Incorporated, a global leader in photovoltaic technologies and equipment, announced today an expansion of its presence in China by the formation of a Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise (WOFE), GT Solar (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. GT Solar’s main office will be located in Shanghai on Nanjing Lu in the new Plaza 66 Tower 2. An additional office will be located in Beijing serving customers in the north. Future plans include warehousing in the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in PuDong.

Tri-valley Cities of California launch program to encourage solar power

December 27th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, Solar Installations

Aim is to clean up Tri-valley Area, Aid Property Owners

By Meera Pal / MediaNews / Dec. 27, 2006
Source: MercuryNews

Pleasanton and Livermore, already neighbors, have something else in common: a plan to encourage property owners to step up their use of solar power — and help clean up the region at the same time.The two cities recently signed a joint agreement with Spectrum Energy, an Elk Grove-based energy services company that specializes in designing and installing energy-efficiency measures.

For $40,000, Spectrum Energy will develop and propose a design for a customer-friendly, communitywide system for residents and businesses interested in installing solar energy systems. Each city is contributing $20,000 toward the program.


Advent Solar forms strong partnerships in European PV Marketplace

December 27th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

December 19, 2006 / Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
source. Advent Solar press release

It is the dawning of a new day for solar…
Advent Solar is proud to announce its partnerships with three of the top PV system integrators in Europe:  Enerpoint S.r.l. of Italy, MHH Solartechnik GmbH of Germany, and SunConnex International BV of the Netherlands. Advent’s newly developed partnerships will allow customers across Europe to have abundant access to Advent Solar’s exciting new and highly aesthetic PV technology.

Solar Thin Films, Inc. Announces Second Shipment to China

December 27th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, SC Company Reports

BUDAPEST, Hungary, Dec. 13, 2006
Source: PrimeNewswire

Solar Thin Films, Inc. (Pink Sheets:SLTF) (the “Company” or “Solar Thin Films”) announced that its majority owned subsidiary Kraft Rt. (“Kraft”) will reach an important target on December 18, 2006, by completing its second shipment of thin film photovoltaic production equipment to China for Terra Solar North America Inc. (“Terra Solar”), a major customer of the Company. Terra Solar is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Terra Solar Global. This shipment is part of an order Kraft received from Terra Solar in December 2005, for an aggregate purchase of approximately $5 million USD relating to the manufacturing of a 2.5 megawatt (MW) amorphous silicon photovoltaic production line.

India helps light Nepal village

December 27th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, Solar Installations

Kathmandu, Dec 26, 2006
Source: ZeeNews

A solar electrification project implemented with an Indian grant of over Rs two crore has helped light homes in Nepal`s eastern village of Jaljale. Some 4,500 villagers residing in 630 houses of Jaljale have benefited from the project. Each of the houses are now equipped with a solar panel, a maintenance-free battery and home lighting system of 75 watts, consisting of 4 lighting instruments of 12 watts each.

Green Buildings Take Root in US Cities, Schools

December 27th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, Solar Installations

By Talea Miller, NewsHour Extra /12.26.06
Source: PBS Feature story

A growing number of cities, businesses and school districts are discovering the benefits of “green” buildings that are environmentally friendly and reduce energy waste. This month, council members passed a bill to make Washington, D.C., the first major city to require all developers to design certified energy efficient buildings. Mayor Anthony Williams is expected to sign the bill into law. Elements of green design include water-free urinals, solar panels and recycled building materials that reduce waste and conserve water and energy.

Solar panels energize learning in two schools in Austin, Texas

December 27th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, Solar Installations

New gear at two Round Rock schools provides lessons in math, biology.

By Bob Banta
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

ROUND ROCK — Penny Smeltzer views the new solar panels at Westwood High School as a chance for her statistics students to engage in some high-level mathematical forecasting.  Chris Delbar thinks that the sun-generated electricity could launch her Westwood chemistry students into a field of study that could make the planet a lot healthier.  “There’s an old saying that we must take care of the environment because we borrow it from our children,” Delbar said. “These panels will motivate us to learn more about renewable energy.”

Extra boost for going green in California

December 27th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, Solar Installations

Public Utilies Commission wants to award credits to owners of solar units

By Katherine Conrad  / Mercury News /December 26, 2006

California property owners are poised to gain yet another reason to go green.  In a decision closely watched by the solar industry, the California Public Utilities Commission recently signaled its intent to award the ownership of credits earned from renewable energy sources to the residential and commercial owners of such systems — and not to the utility companies.

Thailand unveils solar-powered bus

December 27th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV-General, Solar Installations

source: ETNA English News

Thailand’s first solar-powered bus was announced Tuesday with fanfare suggesting it not only is suitable for public transport in cities, but is also noise- and air-pollution free. Dr. Anond Bunyaratvej, the secretary-general of the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), presided at a press conference to announce the success of developing the country’s first solar-powered bus.

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