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Solar cells manufacturers -France

October 14th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV Industry - Asia

Free Energy Europe SA (FEE)
Develops, Manufactures and Markets Amorphous Silicon Solar Panels, Reliable Thin Film Technology; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
BP 66, 2, Rue Léon Droux, ZI Nord, 62302 Lens Cedex, France
Telephone (+33) 321 – 79 30 61 Fax (+33) 321 – 43 65 88
web url:

Photowatt International SA
Manufacturer of Photovoltaic Wafers, Cells and Modules – PV Systems Developer and Supplier; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles – Solar Electric Systems, Lighting
33 Rue Saint Honoré, ZI Champfleuri, 38300 Bourgoin-Jallieu, France
Telephone (+33) 474 – 93 80 20 Fax (+33) 474 – 93 80 40
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Solems SA

Manufacturer of Thin-Film Solar Cells (also Indoor Type), Small PV Modules, Systems and Sensors; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
3 Rue Léon Blum, ZI les Glaises, 91124 Palaiseau, France
Telephone (+33) 1 – 6919 4340 Fax (+33) 1 – 6013 3743
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Solar cells Manufacturers – Germany

October 14th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV Industry - Asia

(AMB) Bernhard Brain GmbH & Co KG
Automation Products and Handling Equipment for the Photovoltaic Industry; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Diesel Str. 10-11, 86368    Gersthofen.Germany
Telephone (+49) 821 – 24 17 70   Fax (+49) 821 – 2417 7710
web url:

ErSol Solar Energy AG /ASi Industries GmbH
Mono-Crystalline Silicon Ingots and Wafers of P-Type and N-Type; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Wilhelm-Wolff-Str. 23, D-99099 Erfurt, Germany
Telephone (+49) 361 21 95-0 FaX (+49) 361 21 95-133
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Centrotherm Photovoltaics GmbH + Co KG
Turnkey Production Lines and Thermal, Deposition and Test Equipment for Crystalline Solar Cell Manufacturing; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Johannes Schmid Str. 8, 89143    Blaubeuren, Germany
Telephone (+49) 7344 – 918 89 08  Fax (+49) 7344 – 918 83 83
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Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE)
Photovoltaics/Cells and Application, Solar Thermal/Solar Building, Hydrogen Technology/Fuel Cell Development; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles – Solar Electric Systems, Lighting – Fuel Cells: Solid Polymer (SPFC), Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM), Polymer Electrolyte (PEFC), Solid Oxide (SOFC)
Heidenhof Str. 2, 79100 Freiburg, Germany
Telephone (+49) 761 – 4588 5150 Fax (+49) 761 – 4588 9342
web url:

Schmid Technology Systems GmbH
Semi-/Fully-Automated Production Lines for PV-Module Assembly, Handling and Test Equipment for Solar Cell Production; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Johann Liesenberger Str. 7, 78078    Niedereschach, Germany
Telephone (+49) 7728 – 92600 Fax (+49) 7728 – 92 60 40
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Schott Solar GmbH
Producing Photovoltaic Modules Using Patented Edge-Defined Film Growth (EFG) Process, Evacuated Tube Collectors; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Carl Zeiss Str. 4, 63755    Alzenau, Germany
Telephone (+49) 6023 – 91 17 12 Fax (+49) 6023 – 91 17 00
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Solarc Innovative Solarprodukte GmbH
Develops and Produces Small Solar Systems and PV Powered Appliances; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles – Solar Electric Systems, Lighting; Energy Efficiency – Lighting Devices: Energy Saving Lighting Systems, Low Voltage Fluorescent, Passive Solar Design
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355    Berlin, Germany
Telephone (+49) 30 – 4630 7165 Fax (+49) 30 – 4630 7167
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Solarstocc AG
Expert for Grid-Connect – Complete PV Kits for Roof or Open Land Installations: PV Modules, Inverters, Mounting Systems; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays,
Modules, Roof Tiles – Solar Electric Systems, Lighting
Karlsberger Str. 3, 87471    Durach, Germany
Telephone (+49) 831 – 540 21 40 Fax (+49) 831 – 540 21 45
web url:

SolarWatt AG

Manufacture of Standard and Customized Solar Modules in Casting and Lamination Technologies; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Maria Reiche Str. 8, 01109    Dresden, Germany
Telephone (+49) 351 – 88950 Fax (+49) 351 – 889 51 11
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SolarWorld AG
Multicrystaline Silicon Wafers, PV Cells & Modules, Solar Modules as Roof Tiles, Recycling of PV Materials;  Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles – Solar Electric Systems, Lighting
Kurt Schumacher Str. 12-14, 53113    Bonn, Germany
Telephone (+49) 228 – 559 20 20 Fax (+49) 228 – 559 20 99
web url:

Solon AG für Solartechnik
Solar Panels, Solar Modules, Megawatt Solar Power Plants; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles – Solar Electric System, Lighting
Eder Str. 16, 12059    Berlin, Germany
Telephone    (+49) 30 – 8187 9100 Fax (+49) 30 – 8187 9110
web url:

Konarka Names Rick Hess President and Chief Operating Officer

October 12th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV Industry - Asia, SC Company Reports

Konarka Names Rick Hess President and Chief Operating Officer

Lowell, Mass. – October 12, 2006 – Konarka Technologies, Inc., an
innovator in the development and commercialization of Power Plastic™,
a material that converts light to energy, today announced that Rick Hess
has been named to the newly created position of President and Chief
Operating Officer. Howard Berke, Konarka’s founder, will continue in the
role of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

“Rick is recognized for his ability to assess technologies and commercialize
electronic technology components that meet specific customer needs
bringing products from the lab, through scale-up and commercialization
in the electronics industry,” commented Howard Berke. “Having led
businesses in both high growth stages and start-up situations, Rick
is a skilled motivator, team leader and communicator, to whom I am
pleased to turn over Konarka’s day-to-day operations and lead it
into its next phase of commercialization.”

Mr. Hess has a broad background as a leader in both start-up companies and established corporations. Prior to joining Konarka, he was Chief Executive Officer of Integrated Fuel Cell Technologies, a venture-backed company in Burlington, Massachusetts. He was previously President of M/A-COM, a manufacturer, designer and marketer of high frequency components and systems for the wireless, defense, public safety and automotive markets, and now a unit of Tyco Electronics, the largest business unit of Tyco International.

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