(AMB) Bernhard Brain GmbH & Co KG
Automation Products and Handling Equipment for the Photovoltaic Industry; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Diesel Str. 10-11, 86368 Gersthofen.Germany
Telephone (+49) 821 – 24 17 70 Fax (+49) 821 – 2417 7710
web url: http://www.amb-brain.de/
ErSol Solar Energy AG /ASi Industries GmbH
Mono-Crystalline Silicon Ingots and Wafers of P-Type and N-Type; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Wilhelm-Wolff-Str. 23, D-99099 Erfurt, Germany
Telephone (+49) 361 21 95-0 FaX (+49) 361 21 95-133
web url: http://www.ersol.de/en/index.php
Centrotherm Photovoltaics GmbH + Co KG
Turnkey Production Lines and Thermal, Deposition and Test Equipment for Crystalline Solar Cell Manufacturing; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Johannes Schmid Str. 8, 89143 Blaubeuren, Germany
Telephone (+49) 7344 – 918 89 08 Fax (+49) 7344 – 918 83 83
web url: www.centrotherm.de
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE)
Photovoltaics/Cells and Application, Solar Thermal/Solar Building, Hydrogen Technology/Fuel Cell Development; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles – Solar Electric Systems, Lighting – Fuel Cells: Solid Polymer (SPFC), Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM), Polymer Electrolyte (PEFC), Solid Oxide (SOFC)
Heidenhof Str. 2, 79100 Freiburg, Germany
Telephone (+49) 761 – 4588 5150 Fax (+49) 761 – 4588 9342
web url: www.ise.fraunhofer.de
Schmid Technology Systems GmbH
Semi-/Fully-Automated Production Lines for PV-Module Assembly, Handling and Test Equipment for Solar Cell Production; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Johann Liesenberger Str. 7, 78078 Niedereschach, Germany
Telephone (+49) 7728 – 92600 Fax (+49) 7728 – 92 60 40
web url: www.schmid-group.net
Schott Solar GmbH
Producing Photovoltaic Modules Using Patented Edge-Defined Film Growth (EFG) Process, Evacuated Tube Collectors; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Carl Zeiss Str. 4, 63755 Alzenau, Germany
Telephone (+49) 6023 – 91 17 12 Fax (+49) 6023 – 91 17 00
web url: www.schott.com/solar
Solarc Innovative Solarprodukte GmbH
Develops and Produces Small Solar Systems and PV Powered Appliances; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles – Solar Electric Systems, Lighting; Energy Efficiency – Lighting Devices: Energy Saving Lighting Systems, Low Voltage Fluorescent, Passive Solar Design
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin, Germany
Telephone (+49) 30 – 4630 7165 Fax (+49) 30 – 4630 7167
web url www.solarc.de
Solarstocc AG
Expert for Grid-Connect – Complete PV Kits for Roof or Open Land Installations: PV Modules, Inverters, Mounting Systems; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays,
Modules, Roof Tiles – Solar Electric Systems, Lighting
Karlsberger Str. 3, 87471 Durach, Germany
Telephone (+49) 831 – 540 21 40 Fax (+49) 831 – 540 21 45
web url: www.solarstocc.com
SolarWatt AG
Manufacture of Standard and Customized Solar Modules in Casting and Lamination Technologies; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles
Maria Reiche Str. 8, 01109 Dresden, Germany
Telephone (+49) 351 – 88950 Fax (+49) 351 – 889 51 11
web url: www.solarwatt.de
SolarWorld AG
Multicrystaline Silicon Wafers, PV Cells & Modules, Solar Modules as Roof Tiles, Recycling of PV Materials; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles – Solar Electric Systems, Lighting
Kurt Schumacher Str. 12-14, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Telephone (+49) 228 – 559 20 20 Fax (+49) 228 – 559 20 99
web url: www.solarworld.de
Solon AG für Solartechnik
Solar Panels, Solar Modules, Megawatt Solar Power Plants; Power Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Cells: Research and Manufacturing: Mono/Multicrystalline, Amorphous, Thin Film, Cells, Arrays, Modules, Roof Tiles – Solar Electric System, Lighting
Eder Str. 16, 12059 Berlin, Germany
Telephone (+49) 30 – 8187 9100 Fax (+49) 30 – 8187 9110
web url: www.solanag.com