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IBM Turning Silicon Waste Into Solar Panels

By using reclaimed silicon, solar cell manufacturers can save between 30% and 90% of the energy they would have expended using new silicon materials, IBM said.

By Paul McDougall, InformationWeek, October 30, 2007
Source: InformationWeek

IBM says it’s found an earth-friendly way to recycle the silicon wafers used in its computer chip manufacturing operations — it’s helping to turn them into solar panels.  To recycle the wafers, IBM is using a process that removes transistor patterns embedded in them. The patterns usually prevent silicon wafers from being reused along with other silicon products because they represent closely guarded intellectual property.  As a result, the tech industry discards about three million silicon wafers per year, IBM estimated.

Signet Solar Unveils Plans for Thin Film Solar Module Manufacturing in India

Palo Alta, CA & New Delhi, India, June 7, 2007
Source: Signet / press release

Signet Solar today announced plans to establish significant thin-film solar module manufacturing capabilities in India. Signet Solar’s India announcement follows plans unveiled lastmonth for a manufacturing and development plant in Dresden, Germany. Signet Solar is a global company founded to design, develop and manufacture large area, low cost, thin-film silicon solar photovoltaic (PV) modules. Signet Solar’s first production line in India will have a capacity of 60 megawatts (MW); expanding to 1 gigawatt (GW) in annual production over the next ten years.

Signet Solar’s India production facilities will tap into India’s manufacturing and engineering talent to establish high tech, high volume thin film solar module production. “The announcement by Signet Solar to expand its production capacity will significantly contribute to our plans to accelerate semiconductor and information technology (IT) hardware manufacturing in India,” states Thiru. A. Raja, India’s Honorable Union Minister of Information Technology. “Combined with our highly skilled
workforce, India has an opportunity to be a leader in using technology to address pressing global energy needs.”

Worldwide solar PV installations have grown at an annual rate of nearly 40 percent over the last five years, with demand expected to continue similar growth. In India, the Ministry of Renewable Energy has set a target to produce 10 percent of the country’s power requirements through renewable energy sources by 2012. “Signet Solar’s plans to establish manufacturing operations in India are very timely,” states Shri Vilas Muttemwar, India’s Honorable Minister of New and Renewable Energy.

“Our electric power demands will continue to increase as India’s economic growth accelerates. Cost effective alternative power generation technologies and power plants will be essential to help manage peak power demand and distributed power for rural electrification, while being sensitive to the environment.”  “We are convinced that India is ideal for manufacturing the world’s lowest cost solar modules,” said Dr. Prabhu Goel, Chairman and Founder, Signet Solar. “With its manufacturing prowess and vast need for energy, we consider India key to bringing Clean Affordable Renewable Energy, via thin film solar modules, to our customers.”

Applications for the company’s thin film solar modules include solar farms, large commercial installations, building-integrated photovoltaics, remote habitation, and irrigation. Thin film modules are expected to play a vital role in peak power production
and stand-alone applications by avoiding massive investments in power infrastructure. Signet Solar is poised to significantly expand existing markets for Clean Affordable Renewable Energy™ and create vast new opportunities in emerging economies.

Signet Solar customers will include PV system integrators and installers of solar farms for power generation. The large glass substrates and relatively lower cost of thin film modules are ideal for large scale PV system installations, building-integrated
photovoltaics and remote habitation.

About Signet Solar
Signet Solar, Inc. is a global company established in 2006 to bring Clean Affordable Renewable Energy™ to people and countries worldwide. Headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif., the company has been founded to design, develop, manufacture and market thin film silicon photovoltaic modules. For more information, please visit

3S Swiss Solar Systems delivers a further laminating line to Spain

Lyss, 31.05.2007
Source:3S Swiss Solar Systems AG press release

On 31st May, Aleo solar AG is inaugurating its new factory in Santa María de Palautordera, close to Barcelona. Via its Spanish subsidiary Aleo solar España S.L., the company manufactures and distributes high-quality solar modules with which electricity is produced from sunlight.  The solar modules are produced on a laminating line with a hybrid heating plate from 3S Swiss Solar Systems(ISIN CH0022678822). The laminating line forms the heart of all solar module production. In lamination, the solar cells are encapsulated between a backing foil and a glass plate or between two glass panes. The lamination process is decisive for the life expectancy of the solar modules.

3S Swiss Solar Systems awarded a German innovation prize

June 6th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV Industry - Asia, PV-General

Lyss, June 6th, 2007
Source: 3S Swiss Solar Systems AG, press release

3S Swiss Solar Systems AG (ISIN CH0022678822), the world’s technological market leader for manual and semi-automatic production equipment for the manufacture of solar modules, has won an award within the framework of the Innovation Prize 2007 from the “Initiative Mittelstand”.  The innovation prize has been awarded by the “Initiative Mittelstand” for industry since 2006. An independent jury of experts and specialist editors awards the prize to companies which offer innovative products, services and solutions with high benefits for medium-sized businesses.

Kyocera to Build New, Large Scale Manufacturing Facility for Solar Modules in Tijuana, Mexico

Plant will quadruple Kyocera’s solar manufacturing capacity in Tijuana; Groundbreaking set for June 6
San Diego, CA – May 30, 2007
Source: Kyocera Solar, Inc. /press release

Kyocera today announced that it will hold a groundbreaking ceremony on June 6, 2007, at its Tijuana maquiladora — Kyocera Mexicana, S.A. de C.V. — to officially commence construction of a second manufacturing facility there for solar photovoltaic modules.  Scheduled for completion in early 2008, the new facility in the Tijuana Industrial Park will consist of a two-story plant encompassing 223,000 square feet of production space, plus a 28,000-square-foot facility extension connecting the new factory to an existing Kyocera plant. When fully operational, the additions will more than quadruple Kyocera’s production capacity for solar modules in Tijuana – from a current capacity of 35 megawatts (MW) per year to 150MW by the end of March 2011.

Milestone contract of Applied Materials to make Solar Panels in Spain

March 24th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, PV Industry - Asia, PV-General

Applied Materials to Deliver Europe’s First Production Line for Manufacturing Ultra-Large, Cost-Efficient Solar Panels

SANTA CLARA, Calif. / March 20, 2007
source: Applied Materials/ press release*A1167656400000*B1174422807000*C4102491599000*DgroupByDate*J2*N1002992&newsLang=en&beanID=547561197&viewID=news_view

Applied Materials, Inc. has been awarded a milestone contract to provide T-Solar Global S.A. of Spain with Europe’s first thin film solar module production line using ultra-large 5.7m2 (2.2m x 2.6m) glass panels. By scaling to these large-area substrates, the same size used in Generation (Gen) 8.5 flat panel displays, this integrated line can drive down the cost of solar panel manufacturing while doubling rated factory output. For installations such as large commercial rooftops and solar farms — applications that are already growing rapidly as a result of the increased availability of lower-cost thin film solar panels — these ultra-large substrates are expected to enable an additional 25% reduction in the cost of solar electricity.

Sharp Establishes the Toyama Site for Solar Systems Group

Production of Silicon for Solar Cells Begins
January 12, 2007
Source: Sharp Press release

In January 2007, to procure the raw materials needed to meet an expanding demand for solar cells in the global market, Sharp Corporation is opening the Toyama site (in Toyama Prefecture, Japan) for the Solar Systems Group and is starting to produce silicon for solar cells.

Solar cells, modules manufacturers in Europe

January 7th, 2007 by kalyan89 in PV Industry - Asia, PV-General

List of Solar Cells manufacturing companies in Europe

Company  / Country Cell Technology /Annual sales in 2005 in MWp
Solar Cells
Ersol Solar Energy AG  / Germany / Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline Si / 20
Q-cells      / Germany /Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline Si / 160
Schott Solar GmbH  / Germany /Polycrystalline Si / 36
SolarWorld AG / Germany /Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline Si / 0.5
Sunways AG / Germany /Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline Si / 16


United Solar Ovonic Receives $15 Million Order From BIOHAUS

December 21st, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV Industry - Asia, PV-General, SC Company Reports

Order to expand sales of UNI-SOLAR(R) products in Germany

Source: Press release /Uni-Solar

AUBURN HILLS, Mich., Dec. 20 — United Solar Ovonic, a wholly owned subsidiary of Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. (ECD Ovonics) , announced today that it has received a $15 million order from BIOHAUS PV Handels GmbH (BIOHAUS) for the delivery of UNI-SOLAR(R) photovoltaic (PV) products in 2007.  BIOHAUS, a well-known PV distributor and system integrator located in Paderborn, Germany, has successfully commissioned many installations using PV laminates manufactured by United Solar Ovonic. As one of the photovoltaic pioneers, BIOHAUS not only distributes standard systems, but it also uses its knowledge and longstanding expertise to enter into the manufacturing and development of solar modules. Under the brand name BIOSOL, BIOHAUS markets its own solar power systems and since 2001 has been the market leader in the in-roof sector.

Suntech Announces Contract to Supply World’s Largest Solar Power Plant

November 25th, 2006 by kalyan89 in PV Industry - Asia, PV-General, SC Company Reports

WUXI, China, Nov. 22, 2007

Source: Yahoo business news

Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (NYSE: STP – News), one of the world’s leading manufacturers of photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules, has announced it has recently entered into a solar module supply contract with Atersa, a subsidiary of Elecnor Group, one of Spain’s leading project planning and integrated management and infrastructure development companies. In one of its largest and most sophisticated projects to date, Suntech will supply solar modules with an aggregate output of 23.2MW to Atersa for installation in the Photovoltaic Grid Connection Park in the Extremadura region of Spain. It is expected that these solar modules will be supplied within the first half of 2007.


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