Solar cells wait for their day in the sun in Australia
Tim Colebatch, April 30, 2007
AS A solution to global warming, solar energy has everything going for it — except cost. But a new government move and little slivers of silicon invented in Australia might soon change that. Prime Minister John Howard hinted on Friday that next week’s budget could lift the rebate for Australians to install solar panels for generating electricity — seizing the initiative after Labor’s Kevin Rudd pledged only to keep the rebate at its current level.
And if so, Origin Energy is ready to go. A decade ago it took a punt on the Australian National University’s team of solar energy researchers, and was richly rewarded when they invented sliver cells — a technology that promises to cut the cost of solar panels in half. ANU researchers Andrew Blakers and Klaus Weber have given cutting-edge technology a literal meaning, with a breakthrough they thought up on a train to Edinburgh in 2000. The biggest cost in solar cells is the silicon wafer. But slice the wafer into 10-centimetre slivers of silicon, array them in a panel, and you could increase the solar energy conversion tenfold.
Origin’s general manager, public and government affairs, Tony Wood, predicts that sliver technology will ultimately cut the cost of solar panels “by in excess of 50 per cent”. Already the largest supplier of solar panels in Australia, Origin plans to start marketing sliver cell panels from its Adelaide plant. “We are hopeful of moving forward with an international partner to take this technology to commercial scale,” Mr Wood says. “We need to work with someone who has deep connectivity with the international solar market, is already in the industry, and has sources of silica.”
Professor Blakers, who heads the ANU’s centre for sustainable energy systems, is waiting impatiently to see sliver technology reach the market. Within a decade, he argues, solar panels will be commercially viable as a way of generating electricity. That might sound a big ask, when electricity now costs 4¢ per kilowatt hour to generate from coal, but 35¢ to 40¢ from solar. But the threshold of viability for solar panels, Professor Blakers points out, is not the price at the power station but the retail price for households.
That is now 15¢ per kwh, and emissions trading and time-of-use pricing will lift that, while sliver cells and other breakthroughs slash the cost of solar panels. “Within 10 years, it will be cheaper to put a solar panel on the roof than to buy from the grid,” he says. “And when we get under the retail price, we can expect vertical growth rates. Sales will double every six months.” In the long term, Mr Wood says, sliver technology could revolutionise windows, turning them into solar panels that could power the buildings inside.
But first, he says, the Government must remove the $4000 limit on rebates, opening the market for large-scale use. In Germany’s solar capital of Freiburg, the city’s soccer stadium now runs off solar panels lining its roof. Imagine the MCG with solar panels all the way along the top of its stands.