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Spire to Provide a 15-Megawatt Solar Module Production Line

February 5th, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, SC Company Reports

BEDFORD, Mass.–Feb. 5, 2007
source: Spiro Corp. press release

Spire Corporation (Nasdaq: SPIR) today announced that it has entered into a contract to provide a 15-megawatt turnkey crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) module production line to a new European manufacturer. The production line will enable this manufacturer to enter the business of manufacturing and selling photovoltaic modules taking advantage of in country incentives.

Roger Little, Chairman and CEO of Spire Corporation, said, “The demand for photovoltaics continues to expand worldwide with new manufacturers entering the business almost daily. We are pleased to be the leader in putting people in the PV business with the most advanced equipment and processes; and then keeping them there with continuing support.”

About Spire Corporation
Spire Corporation is the world leader in providing PV equipment and turnkey lines to new entrants in the solar industry, as well as current manufacturers. For more information visit

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