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Sharp Expands Solar Module Production Capacity to 220 MW in U.K

February 2nd, 2007 by kalyan89 in Press Releases, Reports, SC Company Reports

Source: Huliq breaking news /Feb 1, 2007

Sharp Corporation will double its production capacity for solar (photovoltaic) modules during the coming year at Sharp Manufacturing Company of U.K. (SUKM), its production base at Wrexham, North Wales. Capacity will be increased from the current 110 MW (as of February 2007) to 220 MW annually. SUKM was Sharp’s second international production base for solar modules following a facility in the US. It began operations in the spring of 2004 with an annual PV module production capacity of 20 MW. Since then, we have worked to expand production capacity to 50 MW in May 2005, and 110 MW in February 2006, and at this time, to further augment the production system to 220 MW annual capacity.

Up to now, the German market has been the engine driving demand for photovoltaic power systems in Europe, but electricity buy-back guarantee programs have now been expanded to 20 countries, including Spain, Italy, Greece and France, where long hours of sunlight daily ensure good PV power generating efficiency. Recently, the number of such installations has been growing rapidly, centered on Southern Europe.

Sharp is working quickly to meet the rapidly growing demand for PV products in Europe by augmenting module production capacity at SUKM. Solar energy does not generate substances that impact the environment, and as a leading manufacturer in this field, Sharp is aiming to expand its solar cell business, including working to make cells thinner to more effectively utilize raw materials, and expand production of thin-film solar cells that minimize the amount of silicon used – Sharp.

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