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GiraSolar Group Prominently Present at First Solar Energy Technologies Fair in Istanbul

Deventer, The Netherlands /March 7, 2008
Source: Business Wire/Yahoo

GiraSolar, Inc, an internationally operating American-Dutch solar energy company, today announced that its subsidiary GiraSolar Turkey Ltd. exhibits at the first Turkish national solar energy technologies fair and exhibition.

General Manager of GiraSolar Turkey (GST), Mr. Barendregt, stated: “GiraSolar Turkey has clearly established itself as a market leader in several segments of the fast growing Turkish market. This is the result of intense cooperation with our industry partners over the past three years. The joint presentation at the Solar Energy Technologies Fair reinforces this position and clearly displays our group’s unique abilities to the public.’

GST is supported by industry partners who send delegations to assist GST in its prominent booth at the fair. Jointly with inverter manufacturer SMA, off-grid application partner Phaesun, vital system component manufacturer and project consultant Sonnen-Systeme and the Turkish lighting design and project management company ‘The Partners’, GST presented its full solution package to project developers, distributors, architects and a variety of other visitors.

In addition to exhibiting at the fair, Mr. Koornstra, Chairman of GiraSolar, Inc., and Mr. Barendregt were invited to a 1 hour live television broadcast by TGRT Haber of Fox Television, discussing the Turkish market and its prospects and the role of GiraSolar in Turkey.

GiraSolar, Inc. Chairman, Mr. Koornstra, added: “It was a great pleasure and honour to be interviewed on one of Turkey’s major TV stations and we hope we contributed to the execution of Turkey’s vision and strategy to implement its renewable energy policy. The prominent presence of the GiraSolar group in Turkey in general and at the fair is a display of the strength of our business model and our GST team, through which we build our position in this market.

The GST booth not only displays the group’s products and solutions, but also attracted a lot of attention by the presence of the Ariba team, the Turkish national champion of the Formula G solar car race, designed and build by the team of the Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (ITU). This year the Ariba team will also partake in the North American Solar Challenge (NASC) in summer 2008, together with the teams of MIT, Queens, Stanford Universities among other teams.

More about GiraSolar’s partners:
The Partners:
ITU Ariba team:

About GiraSolar Inc.:
GiraSolar Inc. is a US-Dutch solar energy company with its operational headquarters located in Deventer, the Netherlands, through GiraSolar BV.

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